Letter from the Board
Letter from the NCK Health Care Foundation Board
It was my honor earlier this year to be elected as chairperson of the North Central Kansas Health Care Foundation. For more than 30 years, Foundation volunteers, generous members of our community, and healthcare professionals have worked together to provide stability and a wide range of medical services in Republic and surrounding counties.
For most of our history, the Foundation’s focus has been on physician recruitment. The availability of doctors to diagnose and treat patients is the core on which all other medical services are built. The Foundation’s resources have been directed to scholarships and business start-up costs necessary for family practice physicians to open their practices.
Thanks to your generous donations through the years, bequests from estates, and the wise investments of our financial committee, the Foundation looks forward in coming years to continue physician recruitment as needed. However, we are now in a position to be able to expand our fundraising efforts to also help provide equipment and/or construction projects for Republic County Hospital and the Belleville Medical Clinic. The availability of the most up-to-date technology for patient care is an often overlooked aspect of physician recruitment.
This was the dream of the founders of the NCKHCF decades ago. It is an exciting time to be able to continue that vision of quality health care services for our rural communities into the future.
Audrey Carlson serves as director of the Foundation, and is available to visit with you about the specific needs of our local health care community as you consider tax-deductible gifts or estate planning. Her office is at Republic County Hospital, and she can be reached by calling 785-527-2254.
Again, thank you to all who have placed your trust in The Foundation. We hope to continue to partner with you in the future as we continue to make quality health care a priority for the citizens of Republic and surrounding counties.
Jessica Melton
North Central Kansas Health Care Foundation